The product is a gel for an ultra sound, bone healing system I use to heal a bone Graff in my foot after surgery. The quality of the product is excellent and every bit as good as the gel which came with the system.
I was hospitalized with severe COVID. My joints were so weak inflamed I couldn’t walk unassisted. This Walker has been a tremendous help. It’s easy to use and pivot.
Guardian Two-Button Folding Walkers with 5" Wheels
Bonnie Zubernick
Exactly what I needed
I use my walker for mobility. The old tray I have was fixed in place and gave me less room to walk with my walker I really like the Medline Walker tray. I like that in folds down in front of my walker when I am not using it. I also liked that it came right out of the box it is ready to use. No assembly needed.
Medline Bariatric Walker Tray
Great scrub tops by Medline
The Medline Angelstat scrub tops are a great product, they are a blend of cotton and polyester, they wash and wear extremely well, they last, and are durable, stain resistant, for years of routine wear.
Medline AngelStat Unisex Reversible V Neck Scrub Tops with 2 Pockets