Puracol Plus AG+ Collagen dressings with silver are the perfect way to revitalize stalled or chronic wounds, all while taking advantage of silver's antimicrobial properties. Offering unparalleled nativity, 100% collagen powder ensures superior gel integrity that keeps the dressings in contact with the wound bed. Ideal for a variety of conditions, such as pressure ulcers, venous ulcers, diabetic ulcers, first- and second-degree burns, donor sites, abrasions, and more, it is the ideal wound care solution.
Contraindications: Active vasculitis or patients with known sensitivity to collagen or silver; product not indicated for third-degree burns.
I was hospitalized with severe COVID. My joints were so weak inflamed I couldn’t walk unassisted. This Walker has been a tremendous help. It’s easy to use and pivot.
Guardian Two-Button Folding Walkers with 5" Wheels
Bonnie Zubernick
Exactly what I needed
I use my walker for mobility. The old tray I have was fixed in place and gave me less room to walk with my walker I really like the Medline Walker tray. I like that in folds down in front of my walker when I am not using it. I also liked that it came right out of the box it is ready to use. No assembly needed.