Optifoam Gentle Silicone and Antibacterial Silver Foam Dressings - perfect for pressure ulcers, partial and full-thickness wounds, and lower-extremity ulcers. Simple application, gentle adherence with low friction, and shearing outer layer make it especially ideal for delicate patients! Experience simple, painless applications and feel the difference. Its advanced fabric structure helps prevent bacterial colonization to help promote wound healing and reduce the risk of complications. Get the comfort and security of a reliable foam dressing that you can trust every time!
I was hospitalized with severe COVID. My joints were so weak inflamed I couldn’t walk unassisted. This Walker has been a tremendous help. It’s easy to use and pivot.
Guardian Two-Button Folding Walkers with 5" Wheels
Bonnie Zubernick
Exactly what I needed
I use my walker for mobility. The old tray I have was fixed in place and gave me less room to walk with my walker I really like the Medline Walker tray. I like that in folds down in front of my walker when I am not using it. I also liked that it came right out of the box it is ready to use. No assembly needed.